The Fantail goldfish is the western form of the Ryukin that possesses
an egg-shaped body, a high dorsal fin, a long quadruple caudal fin, and no
shoulder hump. It is a beautiful fish, calming to watch and a delight to own.
The fantail goldfish originated in the early 1400s, during the Ming Dynasty of
China and the ancestor from which all modern fancy goldfish breeds descended. Fantails come in a variety of colors, including red, orange, yellow
and calico varieties. Here are some basic tips for looking after a Fantail goldfish,
especially for those just getting started: Breeding fantail goldfish:
Fantails are among the easiest of the fancy goldfish varieties to breed and
will usually spawn readily given adequate conditions. Good-quality Fantails are
produced by rigorous fry selection. Choosing fantail goldfish:
When choosing fantail goldfish for purchase, it is important to note that the
body, which is tear drop or egg shaped, has a depth of at least 3/5 of its
length. A shorter body length compared to the depth is always preferred in
fantails.Although generally considered a hardy goldfish,
Fantails can be sensitive to prolonged exposure to low water temperatures.
Keeping Fantails in an aquarium requires an ideal temperature of 73 to 74
degrees Fahrenheit
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