Sunday, June 16

The Oscar - one of the most popular tame fish of USA.

one of the most popular tame fish of USA.
The Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) is a species of fish from the cichlid family and it has become one of the most popular “pet” fish because it will learn to recognize its owner/feeder and will become extremely tame. Origin from Amazon, South America the fish can also be found in other areas, including China, Peru, Ecuador, Australia, Colombia, Brazil, Guiana, French and the United States.

Beautiful pet fishThe species was originally described by Louis Agassiz in 1831 as Lobotes ocellatus, as he mistakenly believed the species was marine but later, it was proved that the species to the genus Astronotus. The most popular pet fish Oscar known under a variety of common names, including Tiger Oscar, Velvet Cichlid, Marble Cichlid, Red Oscar, Common Oscar, Albino Oscar, Lutino Oscar and Wild Type Oscar. The fish is considered a popular aquarium fish in the United States and it has also become a major game fish in Florida, where escapees from fish farms / aquariums have become well established as part of the local fauna.

When the Oscar is about 1 to 2 inches long and wiggling its little nose in the tank at the local fish store, it is so cute and appealing that lots of fish lover buy it. When the fish is young, it can grow at the impressive rate of up to 1+ inch per month. The Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) has been reported to grow to about 45 cm in length and 1.6 kilograms (3.5 pounds) in weight.

Most popular pet fish

The Oscar is typically darkly colored with yellow-ringed spots on the caudal peduncle and on the dorsal fin. These spots have been suggested to function to limit fin-nipping by piranha, which co-occur with the fish in its natural environment. The beautiful pet fish, Oscar is also able to rapidly alter its coloration, a trait which facilitates ritualized territorial and combat behaviors amongst co specifics. When it is in juvenile stage it has a different coloration from adults and is striped with white and orange wavy bands and has beautiful spotted heads.

Quick stats of Oscar
Scientific Name
Astronotus ocellatus
Amazon, South America
Max. Size
45 cm (18 inch)
Care Level
pH level
6.6 to 7.0
Keep them in clean water
Water Conditions
72-77° F, KH 5-19
Color Form
Black, Orange, Red
Beetles, crayfish, spiders, cricket's, worms and insects

Wednesday, June 12

Arowana - The Royal aquarium fish.

The Royal aquarium fish.
Arowana is a Royal aquarium fish. It is a bony fish of freshwater and from the family of Osteoglossidae. Sometimes the Arowana is called as dragon fish because of its colorful, metallic and reflective scales. The beautiful Arowanas are also known as bonytongues.  

a bony freshwater fishAs per I know there are only ten described living species of Arowana from which three from South America, one from Africa, four from Asia, and the rest two from Australia. In the family of Osteoglossidae Arowana fishes, the head is bony and the elongate body is covered by large, heavy, metallic and colorful scales, with a mosaic pattern of canals. The dorsal and the anal fins have soft rays and are long based, while the pectoral and ventral fins are small. The arowana is a facultative air breather and they can obtain oxygen from air by sucking it into the swim bladder, which is lined with capillaries.

The Arowana can be a great choice for those that think something like big. The fish can grow up to 3-4 feet long (120cm) and it can live at least 25 years. They are excellent jumpers; it has been reported that Arowana have been seen leaping more than 6 feet from the water surface to pick off insects and birds from overhanging branches in South America.

The fish that creates positive energy

These popular, beautiful and royal aquarium fish have special cultural significance in areas influenced by Chinese culture. They believed that, it is able to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck, happiness and wealth for the owner. Chinese people consider themselves descendants of dragons, and many of them would pay big money, to own their very own dragon (Arowana). There is also a superstition about the fish is that; it’ll be benefit from the charmed Arowana by displaying pictures or images of it. As you may know, in China and Asia, the older the fish, the more expensive it is, as like as a good wine. Sometimes they claim that this fish creates positive energy. It is also said that the Arowana possess ability to stay focus and understand human language (!).

Arowana fish at a glance
Heterotidinae and Osteoglossinae
South America, Africa, Asia and Australia.
Max. Size
3 – 4 feet (120 cm)
pH level
between 7.0 and 7.5
Keep them in clean water
Water Conditions
75-86° F, KH 8-12, pH 7.0-7.5
small fish, crab, crickets, Hikari pellets, insects or Shrimp (try to avoid the salt)

Thursday, June 6

The only transparent living sea creature of the World.

The only transparent living sea creature of the World

Glass Catfish is different from any other typical fish that we have seen, in the sense that we can actually see through to their internal body. It is also known as Indian Ghosts, Ghost Fish, or Glass Cats.

The glass catfish is from the genus of Kryptopterus and one of the most unusual fish commonly kept in the hobby, and it is certainly the most transparent living sea creature. The fish was included its smaller relative the ghost catfish but now its known as K. minor. It is a unique transparent fish that offers fish-keepers an incomparable view of its whole internal organs. The fish is like a living skeleton whose organs, including its swim bladder and vertebral column are also visible.

very peaceful and a great community fish
As a true schooling fish the Glass Cats should be kept in groups of five or more to stay healthy and happy in order to survive and thrive. If the fish are not kept in the aquarium in groups, they will often go into a state of stress, stop eating and waste away. The Ghost / Glass Catfish do not like a lot of light and is most active during dawn and dusk. Its loves a low light condition and that’s why it will usually hide from the light. However, they will come into the open and swim around in darkness. The fish should be kept in aquariums with plenty of rocky coves and hiding places, as well as dense, live vegetation. 

Glass Catfish Factoids
Sumatra, Java, Borneo region
Max. Size
15 cm (5.9 in)
Care Level
Keep them in clean water
Water Conditions
75-80° F, KH 8-12, pH 6.5-7.0
Small worms, brine shrimp, flake foods
Tend to gather around plants

They are very peaceful and a great community fish that will give their caretakers hours of enjoyment and it is the only fish of the whole World that, you can see right through them!

Wednesday, May 29

Siamese fighting fish - incredibly beautiful, controversial and popular aquarium fish.

incredibly beautiful, controversial and popular aquarium fish.
Siamese Fighting Fish are one of the most recognized, most colorful, and often most controversial and popular fish in the freshwater hobby. It is also known as also known as betta. The name of the genus is derived from ikan bettah, taken from a local dialect of Malay. The Scientific Name of the fish is Betta splendens and it is from the family of Belontiidae.

A beautiful blue colored Siamese fighting fish
The male Siamese fighting fish is one of the most popular and well known of aquarium fish because of its brilliant coloration, and long flowing fins. Females are usually not as highly colored as male, and have much shorter fins. In nature, The Siamese fighting fish is not usually brightly colored. However, captive breeding programs have resulted in a wide variety of colors, such as white, yellow, orange, red, pink, blue, green, turquoise, brown and black. Both are male and female bettas have a torpedo-shaped body and an upturned mouth geared for eating at the surface. Mature adults reach a size of 7 cm, with females being slightly smaller than the males and the lifespan can be 2-3 years.

The fish is a carnivorous species of animals and therefore, the diet Siamese fighting fish is meat based. Siamese fighting fish mainly eats insects and brine shrimp and also the larger food particles that are part of the plankton in the water. For the small size of the Siamese fighting fish, bright colors and long, attractive fins, the fish is preyed about by many other animals and even humans who catch the Siamese fighting fish to keep in aquarium at home. The tattoo of Siamese fighting fish is also popular to tattoo maker.

A beautiful red Siamese Fighting FishBettas originate in the shallow waters of Thailand (formerly called Siam, hence their name), Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and parts of China. The fish are also are called pla-kad (lit. biting fish) in Thai or trey krem in Khmer. These areas are the ideal home of Siamese fighting fish, due to the region has acres of rice paddies, ponds, slow moving streams and swamps.

And at last about the Siamese fighting fish is “They are incredibly beautiful, easy to care for and can be very active fish”.

Wednesday, May 22

Trumpetfish or yellow Trumpetfish.

A beautiful sea fish.
The trumpetfish was described and named by the father of taxonomy, Carolus Linnaeus in 1766.  It’s from the family of Trumpetfishes and species of Aulostomidae. Trumpetfish also known as Trumpet, Atlantic Trumpetfish, Caribbean Trumpetfish, Trumpeter and Painted Flutemouth

Trumpetfish.This reef dweller is easily recognized by its long body with upturned mouths that often swim vertically while trying to blend with vertical coral, like sea rods, sea pens, and pipe, tubular snout, and a barbel on its chin, though it can be brown, green, or yellow with pales stripes, bar, and spots. The length of the fish can be 80cm (approx). The fish can easily change its color. Their vertically swimming tactics helps them to blend in with surrounding sea fans, pipe sponges and sea whips, thereby hiding from predators.

The yellow Trumpetfish.They use stealth and camouflage to prey on smaller fish, and a typical tactic is to attack from above after remaining motionless in the water to imitate a piece of coral, stick or weed. Somewhere the Trumpetfishes are taken for the aquarium trade. Trumpetfish have the capability to rapidly expand their jaws into a circular gaping hole almost the diameter of their body when feeding. Till now the spawning habits of the trumpetfish are unknown, but in the region around Madeira, it is known that the females have mature eggs from March to June.

Tuesday, May 21

The ribbon eel - an elegant sea creature

an elegant creature
The ribbon eel (Rhinomuraena quaesita) is a species of saltwater eel and it is the only member of the genus Rhinomuraena of the Muraenidae (Moray eel) family of the order of Anguilliformes. Though it is now known as Rhinomuraena quaesita but it also includes the former Rhinomuraena amboinensis.

Juveniles period
Ribbon eel in juveniles 
Unlike most other eels, ribbon eels change color and sex during their life. The eel is an elegant creature with a long, thin body and high dorsal fins and it can easily be recognized by its expanded anterior nostrils. Juveniles and sub-adults are nearly black with a yellow dorsal fin. As they mature, a female becomes yellow with a black anal fin with white margins on the fins and the adult males are blue with a yellow dorsal fin. The ribbon eel have leaflike nostril flaps, which sense vibrations in the water. The eel grows to an overall length of 100 (approx) cm and has a life span of up to twenty years.

Unfortunately, the ribbon eel is a difficult fish to keep though it is one of the most interesting of the moray species. It has several unique characteristics that are why it should place in its own family, the Rhinomuraenidae.

a species of saltwater eel
A pair of adult Ribbon eel
Ribbon eels make striking display sea creature for the home aquarium, but in some captive setups they may refuse to feed. To help initiate feeding in a stubborn ribbon eel provide adequate hiding places, so your eel feels secure. The ribbon eel is native to the Indian and Pacific oceans and live on coral reefs, mostly hiding in crevices.

Be aware that ribbon eels are especially proficient at finding small cracks and holes in the aquarium back stripping to exit through. Finally if it is possible to keep a ribbon eels in your aquarium, you need to be willing to give it special care.

Sunday, May 5

The colubrine sea krait – a pretty sea killer.

A pretty sea killer.

The colubrine sea krait or Banded sea snake is a species of sea snake found in tropical Indo-Pacific oceanic waters. It is a member of the Laticauda genus of sea snakes.

Beautiful sea snake.It is found in tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is common around East India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Borneo, Vietnam, Philippines, Nicobar Islands, Coastal Taiwan, Bay of Bengal, New Guinea, Japan’s Ryukyu Islands, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Mexico, El Salvador and Nicaragua.

Adult females are about 56 inches in length with males being only about 35 inches in length. It has a short head, thick trunk, and no easily discernible neck. The tail is simply extended skin, spread wide like a fin, and unsupported by any projection. They are light or dark bluish gray above, yellowish below, with uniformed width black bands throughout, sometimes narrowing on the belly.  Massing together near the shore, they breed between narrow cracks in the reef and in caves. It is a nocturnal snake, rarely seen during the day but it requires oxygen to breathe.

Though the snake is too slow to catch fish in a straight chase but these snakes are also very dangerous and can kill people if someone gets bitten. Their venom is ten times stronger than that of a cobra, making them extremely dangerous. They are known to cause a rash on the attacked area, which consists of small little bumps.

Thursday, May 2

Clingfish – a small saltwater aquarium fish.

A small saltwater aquarium fish.

Clingfish, any of more than 150 species of small sea fishes of the family Gobiesocidae (order Perciformes), having a flattened elongated body with a sucking disc beneath the head for clinging to rocks, seaweed etc.

Beautiful small sea fish
Beautiful Clingfish
Clingfishes are typically small fish, with most species less than 6 centimeters (2.4 in) in length. They are scale less fishes and have wide, flattened heads and they have tapering bodies with a single dorsal fin. The skin of clingfishes is smooth and scale-less, with a thick layer of protective mucus. Most species are about 7.5 cm (3 inches) or less in length, though the South African Chorisochismus dentex is up to 30 cm (12 inches) long. Some of the tropical American clingfishes of the genus Gobiesox live in rapid streams, but most clingfishes inhabit the sea.

They have a cryptic coloration, and in some cases can rapidly change color to match their background. Most species are marine, being found in shallow waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. They are bottom-dwelling fishes; some species shelter in sea urchins or crinoids.

Tuesday, April 30

Flying Fish – a fish that have the power of sustaining themselves for a time in the air.

A fish that have the power of sustaining themselves for a time in the air.
Flying Fish is a name common to various fishes which have the power of sustaining themselves for a time in the air by means of their large pectoral fins. There are about sixty-four species of Flying Fish of the world which is grouped in seven to nine genera but the most common belonging to the genera Exocaetus, Cypsilurus, and Parexocaetus.

Oistin’s Flying Fish, a “Delicacy of Barbados”
Oistin’s Flying Fish, a “Delicacy of Barbados”
Flying fish can make powerful, self-propelled leaps out of water into air, the pectoral fins, which are very large, are the principal instruments in their flight, serving to sustain the fish temporarily in the air after it has acquired an initial velocity in its rush through the water. This uncommon ability is a natural defense mechanism to evade predators.

It can pass through the air to a considerable distance, sometimes as much as 150 to 200 yards, which it does to escape from the attacks of their enemies, or when disturbed by passing vessels. Flying fish live in all of the oceans, particularly in tropical and warm subtropical waters but the best-known species
can pass through the air to a considerable distance
are Exocaetus volilans, abundant in the warmer parts of the Atlantic, Cypsilurus californicus, on the coast of California, and Parexoaetus mesogaster.

Some species of flying fish are used for delicious sea food. They are commercially fished in Japan, Vietnam and China by the method of gillnetting, and in Indonesia and India by dipnetting.